Apps Gaming Growth

When Google Ads Met Gemini: A Love Story


So, Google has decided that what the world of marketing needs is Gemini in its Performance Max suit: they are making their asset generation available everywhere, beginning with English, and they will add more languages soon. This means Google is changing how they measure Ad Strength to give more importance to having a variety of assets and more of them than before. Gemini is Google’s shiny new AI toy, designed to make your ads more effective and more likely to convince someone to download another mobile app they won’t use after the first week.


UA managers after uploading 180 new assets


How User Acquisition Managers Can Harness the Power of Gemini


Now picture Google playing the role of that friend who, after quite a few glasses of wine, convinces you that yes, a spontaneous kitchen haircut is a fantastic idea. But this time, the friend is wielding AI instead of scissors, and your online assets are about to get a glow-up that turns heads and clicks into conversions.


According to Google, there are ‘’three key ways to improve your asset variety’’:


      • Let AI be your stylist: Google Ads will get ideas from your website, your collection of assets, and stock images. The idea is to recommend new assets created by AI, including tweaked versions of your current assets (like turning a square photo into a landscape format using generative AI).

      • Canva, your new best friend:  Google’s buddying up with Canva, which is basically the cool kid on the digital block. Canva has the world’s largest library of designer-made content, and they are planning to add templates tailored for Performance Max to make sure you hit the mark on the creative specifications required to improve your ads.

      • Unleash the power of video: You can either upload your own video or let google auto-generate it for you. According to Google ‘’Advertisers that include at least one video in their Performance Max campaigns see an average increase of 12% total additional conversions’’.

    After reading all the news about the future of AI and marketing, it feels like Google now is promising UA managers the moon, wrapped in glittery AI paper. They’re selling us this dream of ads so targeted, they’ll know what you want before you do, kinda like your mom but less nagging. But as good as it sounds, there are several topics that cross my mind and make me think about the low sides, such as uniformity in ads (will all brands and ads end up resembling each other too closely?) or, on the topic of privacy concerns, the role of AI in analyzing and generating assets from website content and stock images brings up significant questions. It’s crucial to ponder how data is being utilized and the permissions that are necessary.


    But hey, let’s be optimistic! Maybe with a little luck and a lot of data, we might just find that Gemini and Performance Max are the dynamic duo we’ve been waiting for, and UA managers will find a new partnership with AI that will allow for more meaningful connections between games and players.